Vito Manzari weist darauf hin:
Das Colloqui di Martina Franca (CdMF2015), that are the annual forum of, has been scheduled for May 2015 21-22-23. The title of the event this year is : “Which Enterprise for which Economy.“
„The economy – the dominant economic models – influence, guide and in some cases requires to the enterprises, styles, behaviors, rules and strategies . But it is also true that companies, in all their forms, through their choices , modify the economic system, suggest alternative routes and can take responsibility to participate in building of a society that is more attentive to man and to life on earth.
Today’s crisis is a symptom of the unsustainable growth model, functional to himself , completely oblivious to the question of meaning . We are looking for a new spirit of doing business that is able to re – combine functions and meanings , so as to return a social legitimacy to the business community .
During the CdMF2015 we will try to grasp the size and direction of change; in speeches, which are the expression of new cultural sensitivities, and in the practices of companies that stand apart from the business models irresponsible and destroyers of value.”
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